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It's so easy to get caught up in practicing, in improving your chops, in getting all those licks and riffs down. This is especially true when you are young and working your way up the musical ladder. I remember putting in hours and hours of practice when I was in high school and university. Sometimes it seemed like all I did was practice. But as I got older, and left the academic realm, I found I practiced less and less. Sometimes I felt guilty, like I was slacking off, or being lazy. But I never did get back up to the same level of practicing as I had at one time. The usual motivation. Once I left school, there was no carrot on the stick to reach for. So much of musical academia seems to be practice for practice sake, just working on your technique, your timing, all things physical. It often becomes a competition. A competition against other students, teachers, and even yourself, like you're trying to prove something to someone—anyone. After you get out into the ...