The Importance of Phrasing

Today's post is directed primarily at the drum set player. Many of today's players develop amazing technical proficiency through hours and hours of practice. But just what do they practice? Most drummers seem to concentrate on 2 main things: Pure technique, like triplets or paradiddles around the drums, double bass chops, speed and precision. Beat/rhythms/grooves. This is all well and good, as we need to master many of these skills, but I've seen too many young drummers concentrate strictly on these. When it comes to playing in a band, they have the technique, but not the means to successfully apply it to the music in a musical way. They often end up sounding like they are playing exercises out of a drum book, which is what they are doing. You can learn to be a better drummer by listening to great singers… I'm all for technique, but not at the sacrifice of the music. An important thing for drummers to do is to listen to both singers and horn players. T...