The Art of Recording Without Stress & Fear

This question was recently asked on a Facebook Percussion group: What stresses you out most about recording in the studio? Click tracks, perfect editing, etc. My answer, without meaning to be snarky, was, Paying for it… And I meant it. Recording time in a quality studio with a good engineer is expensive. What stresses me out the most is having things go wrong, or not being prepared, and having to pay for any time wasted. When the session starts, the dollar clock is running. Making The Most Of Being In The Studio I always approach recording just like playing a live show and more. The 3 most important rules are: 1 - Be prepared. 2 - Be Prepared. 3 - Be prepared. I can't emphasize this enough. Before you get into the studio, rehearse your material and rehearse it some more. There's nothing worse than wasting time trying to figure out something you should have known before you set foot in the studio. Rehearse your material and make sure you know it. Next, know ...