Digging Deep and Finding New Vistas - Part 1

David Bowie constantly changed throughout his career. He could've been Ziggy or the Thin White Duke for the rest of his career, but he kept changing and evolving. The same with Prince. He could've just stayed as that guy in Purple Rain, but he kept changing and evolving. Björk could've stayed the sort of elfin pixie of her early albums, but she took a chances and kept changing what she does. She plays many of the same songs on tour, but rearranges them and gives them new life with different instruments : a brass band, a choral group, a string section, electronics. She took a chance on revealing her personal heartbreak and tragedy on Vulnicura , her latest album. The result is a very intimate and stunning recording. Ch, Ch, Ch, Changes… The same can be said for composers like John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen, or Iannis Xenakis. Cage could've kept writing music for tin cans and everyday objects, like 'Third Construction,' but he moved on, creating all ty...