The Importance of Musical Structure

In working with a lot of younger students (and some older ones too), I've found that most of them have no concept about phrasing & song structure. Yes, they can play a wide variety of drum beats , often very technical ones. But they have little or no concept of what to do with those beats and how to put them together into musical phrases. I see part of this problem stemming from the fact that as drummers, we don't play melodies, chord progressions, or bass lines. Even some students who play a lot of mallets just play what is on the paper in front of them, without giving any thought to how all those notes are arranged on that paper. The other part of the problem is that rarely do any drum instruction books talk about structure. Instead, they give us endless rhythmic exercises, but without a context for how to use them in a musical application. So let's take a basic look at structure and how to bring it into our drumming. If you play a melodic instrument, the chances ar...