Break All The Rules
For percussionists (and artists of all genres), these are the rules: 1) There are no rules. That is all. Learn it. Remember it. Live it. Now to be serious. I am serious about the above. How often do we let what we think are rules get in the way of what we really want to do? Let's face it, we live in what is often a very harsh and fickle society today. Do something wrong, and it's posted on the internet for all to see. Your mistakes could go viral! No wonder people play it safe, follow trends, and don't do what they really want to do. It's not easy taking a chance and being a rebel. It's not easy breaking whatever rules you believe are there, even if they are only in your own mind. A favorite quote of mine is by the great poet, Rainer Maria Rilke: No great art has ever been made without the artist having known danger. Think about it. Painter Pablo Picasso decided to paint people as disproport...